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Principal's Message

Welcome To Muncie Area Career Center!

Caleb Beasley

The Muncie Area Career Center (MACC) is an area career and technical education school dedicated to the development of academic and career skills to prepare high school students and adult learners for college and career.  The Muncie Area Career Center achieves this mission through two programs: Career and Technical Education (CTE) and Adult Education (AE).

CTE -  Learn More and apply                              Adult Ed - Learn More

Our CTE program serves high school juniors and seniors from the following participating high schools in Blackford, Delaware and Randolph counties: Blackford, Burris, Cowan, Daleville, Delta, Monroe Central, Muncie Central, Union City, Wapahani, Wes-Del, Winchester, and Yorktown. 

Our knowledgeable and experienced faculty facilitate a variety of activities that assist students in learning about career and post-secondary opportunities. All students are required to participate in at least one job shadowing experience each year.  In addition, students in specific program areas also engage in clinical or internship experiences that allow students to work and train in a local business, company, or agency.  The job shadowing and internship experiences are a great opportunity for students to learn what specific career fields are really like so that they can make informed decisions about college and career. Additionally, many MACC programs offer students the opportunity to earn dual credit for post-secondary education as well as industry certification in their chosen field.

Our Adult Education (AE) program serves adult learners in Delaware, Randolph, and Blackford counties through a variety of 100% free program offerings. Courses are offered at a variety of locations and times to accommodate the varying demands of our adult learners' schedules and situations.

Learners who want to complete the requirements for their high school diploma can do so through our Adult Secondary Credit (ASC) classes. Those who wish to prepare to take the high school equivalency exam can take classes with certified teachers in our Adult Basic Education (ABE) program. Adults who want to improve their English speaking and writing skills can sign up for our English as a Second Language (ESL) classes. Anyone who is interested in attaining a professional certification can enroll in one of our IET programs to work with a teacher and prepare for the required test(s). The MACC AE program also operates workplace classrooms in partnership with local industry to provide educational and training opportunities for employees. 

If you want a unique  experience that will help you make a career choice and prepare you for post-secondary career and educational opportunities, give us a call and enroll in one of the MACC programs. 

Non-Discrimination Statement

Muncie Community Schools (MCS) does not discriminate on the basis of a protected class including but not limited to race, color, national origin, sex (including transgender status, sexual orientation and gender identity), disability, age, religion, military status, ancestry, or genetic information in the programs or activities which it operates or the employment therein or admission thereto. This commitment applies to all MCS operations, programs, and activities. All students, administrators, teachers, staff, and all other school personnel share responsibility for avoiding, discouraging, and reporting any form of unlawful harassment. This policy applies to unlawful conduct occurring on school grounds immediately before, during, or immediately after school hours; in any school program or activity taking place in school facilities, on school transportation, or at other off-campus locations, such as at school-sponsored field trips or a training program; or using property or equipment provided by the school, including school-owned computers and the school’s computer network.  

MCS has designated several staff members as coordinators of non-discrimination and anti-harassment. The identity and contact information for these staff members are listed below. The coordinators are responsible for monitoring and ensuring compliance with all non-discrimination and anti-harassment law. The coordinators shall document all reports of discrimination or harassment and establish a protocol for recordkeeping. Nothing in this procedure shall supersede or substitute an employee’s other mandatory reporting obligations including, but not limited to, reporting suspected child abuse and neglect and bullying. 

The following persons are designated as MCS Compliance Officers and, as such, shall handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies of the corporation and address any complaint of discrimination: 

Jenny Smithson, Director of Special Education
MCS Administration Building 
4301 S Cowan Rd ,Muncie, IN 47302 
(765) 747-5448 

Dr. Dea Bell, Assistant Superintendent
MCS Administration Building 
4301 S Cowan Rd , Muncie, IN 47302 
(765) 747-5221 

Thank you,
Caleb J. Beasley

Virtual Open House

CTE Programs

Adult Education


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